
 * Copyright © 2014 - 2021 Leipzig University (Database Research Group)
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl;

import org.apache.flink.api.java.DataSet;
import org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions;
import org.gradoop.common.model.api.entities.Edge;
import org.gradoop.common.model.api.entities.GraphHead;
import org.gradoop.common.model.api.entities.Vertex;
import org.gradoop.flink.io.impl.gdl.GDLConsoleOutput;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.epgm.BaseGraph;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.epgm.BaseGraphCollection;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.epgm.BaseGraphCollectionFactory;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.epgm.BaseGraphFactory;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.layouts.GraphCollectionLayout;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.operators.BinaryBaseGraphCollectionToValueOperator;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.operators.UnaryBaseGraphCollectionToValueOperator;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.epgm.GraphCollection;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.epgm.GraphCollectionFactory;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.layouts.transactional.tuples.GraphTransaction;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.equality.CollectionEquality;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.tostring.functions.GraphHeadToEmptyString;
import org.gradoop.flink.util.GradoopFlinkConfig;
import org.gradoop.temporal.io.api.TemporalDataSink;
import org.gradoop.temporal.model.api.TemporalGraphCollectionOperators;
import org.gradoop.temporal.model.api.functions.TimeIntervalExtractor;
import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.functions.tpgm.TemporalEdgeToEdge;
import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.functions.tpgm.TemporalVertexToVertex;
import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.functions.tpgm.TemporalGraphHeadToGraphHead;
import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.tostring.TemporalEdgeToDataString;
import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.tostring.TemporalGraphHeadToDataString;
import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.tostring.TemporalVertexToDataString;
import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.pojo.TemporalEdge;
import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.pojo.TemporalGraphHead;
import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.pojo.TemporalVertex;
import org.gradoop.temporal.util.TemporalGradoopConfig;

import java.io.IOException;

 * A temporal graph collection is a base concept of the Temporal Property Graph Model (TPGM)
 * that extends the Extended Property Graph Model (EPGM). The temporal graph collection
 * inherits the main concepts of the {@link GraphCollection} and
 * extends them by temporal attributes. These attributes are two temporal intervals:
 * the valid-time and transaction time. Both are represented by a Tuple2 of Long values that specify
 * the beginning and end time as unix timestamp in milliseconds.
 * <ul>
 *   <li>{@code transactionTime}: {@code (tx-from [ms], tx-to [ms])}</li>
 *   <li>{@code validTime}: {@code (val-from [ms], val-to [ms])}</li>
 * </ul>
 * Furthermore, a temporal graph collection provides operations that are performed on the underlying
 * data. These operations result in either another temporal graph collection or in a{@link TemporalGraph}.
 * <p>
 * Analogous to a {@link GraphCollection}, a temporal graph
 * collection is wrapping a layout which defines, how the graph is represented in Apache Flink.<br>
 * Note that the {@link TemporalGraphCollection} also implements that interface and just forwards
 * the calls to the layout. This is just for convenience and API synchronicity.
 * @see TemporalGraphCollectionOperators
public class TemporalGraphCollection implements BaseGraphCollection<
    TemporalGraphHead, TemporalVertex, TemporalEdge, TemporalGraph, TemporalGraphCollection>,
  GraphCollectionLayout<TemporalGraphHead, TemporalVertex, TemporalEdge>,
  TemporalGraphCollectionOperators {

   * Layout for this temporal graph collection.
  private final GraphCollectionLayout<TemporalGraphHead, TemporalVertex, TemporalEdge> layout;

   * Temporal Gradoop Configuration that holds all necessary factories and the execution environment.
  private final TemporalGradoopConfig config;

   * Creates a new temporal graph instance with the given layout and temporal Gradoop configuration.
   * @param layout the temporal graph layout representing the temporal graph
   * @param config Temporal Gradoop config
    GraphCollectionLayout<TemporalGraphHead, TemporalVertex, TemporalEdge> layout,
    TemporalGradoopConfig config) {
    this.layout = Preconditions.checkNotNull(layout);
    this.config = Preconditions.checkNotNull(config);

  public GradoopFlinkConfig getConfig() {
    return this.config;

  public BaseGraphCollectionFactory<TemporalGraphHead, TemporalVertex, TemporalEdge, TemporalGraph,
    TemporalGraphCollection> getFactory() {
    return this.config.getTemporalGraphCollectionFactory();

  public BaseGraphFactory<TemporalGraphHead, TemporalVertex, TemporalEdge, TemporalGraph,
    TemporalGraphCollection> getGraphFactory() {
    return this.config.getTemporalGraphFactory();

   * Writes the graph collection to the given data sink.
   * @param dataSink The data sink to which the graph collection should be written.
   * @throws IOException if the collection can't be written to the sink
  public void writeTo(TemporalDataSink dataSink) throws IOException {

   * Writes the graph collection to the given data sink with an optional overwrite option.
   * @param dataSink The data sink to which the graph collection should be written.
   * @param overWrite determines whether existing files are overwritten
   * @throws IOException if the collection can't be written to the sink
  public void writeTo(TemporalDataSink dataSink, boolean overWrite) throws IOException {
    dataSink.write(this, overWrite);

  public DataSet<TemporalVertex> getVertices() {
    return this.layout.getVertices();

  public DataSet<TemporalVertex> getVerticesByLabel(String label) {
    return this.layout.getVerticesByLabel(label);

  public DataSet<TemporalEdge> getEdges() {
    return this.layout.getEdges();

  public DataSet<TemporalEdge> getEdgesByLabel(String label) {
    return this.layout.getEdgesByLabel(label);

  public boolean isGVELayout() {
    return this.layout.isGVELayout();

  public boolean isIndexedGVELayout() {
    return this.layout.isIndexedGVELayout();

  public boolean isTransactionalLayout() {
    return this.layout.isTransactionalLayout();

  public DataSet<TemporalGraphHead> getGraphHeads() {
    return this.layout.getGraphHeads();

  public DataSet<TemporalGraphHead> getGraphHeadsByLabel(String label) {
    return this.layout.getGraphHeadsByLabel(label);

  public DataSet<GraphTransaction> getGraphTransactions() {
    return this.layout.getGraphTransactions();

  public DataSet<Boolean> equalsByGraphElementData(TemporalGraphCollection otherCollection) {
    return callForValue(new CollectionEquality<>(
      new GraphHeadToEmptyString<>(),
      new TemporalVertexToDataString<>(),
      new TemporalEdgeToDataString<>(), true), otherCollection);

  public DataSet<Boolean> equalsByGraphData(TemporalGraphCollection otherCollection) {
    return callForValue(new CollectionEquality<>(
      new TemporalGraphHeadToDataString<>(),
      new TemporalVertexToDataString<>(),
      new TemporalEdgeToDataString<>(), true), otherCollection);

  // Utilities

  public <T> T callForValue(UnaryBaseGraphCollectionToValueOperator<TemporalGraphCollection, T> operator) {
    return operator.execute(this);

  public <T> T callForValue(BinaryBaseGraphCollectionToValueOperator<TemporalGraphCollection, T> operator,
                            TemporalGraphCollection otherCollection) {
    return operator.execute(this, otherCollection);

  public GraphCollection toGraphCollection() {
    final GraphCollectionFactory collectionFactory = this.config.getGraphCollectionFactory();
    return collectionFactory.fromDataSets(
      getGraphHeads().map(new TemporalGraphHeadToGraphHead(collectionFactory.getGraphHeadFactory())),
      getVertices().map(new TemporalVertexToVertex(collectionFactory.getVertexFactory())),
      getEdges().map(new TemporalEdgeToEdge(collectionFactory.getEdgeFactory())));

   * Convenience API function to create a {@link TemporalGraphCollection} from an existing
   * {@link BaseGraphCollection} with default values for the temporal attributes.
   * @param baseGraphCollection the existing {@link BaseGraphCollection} instance
   * @param <G> The graph head type.
   * @param <V> The vertex type.
   * @param <E> The edge type.
   * @param <LG> The type of the graph.
   * @param <GC> The type of the graph collection.
   * @return a temporal graph collection with default temporal values
   * @see TemporalGraphCollectionFactory#fromNonTemporalGraphCollection(BaseGraphCollection)
  public static <
    G extends GraphHead,
    V extends Vertex,
    E extends Edge,
    LG extends BaseGraph<G, V, E, LG, GC>,
    GC extends BaseGraphCollection<G, V, E, LG, GC>>
  TemporalGraphCollection fromGraphCollection(GC baseGraphCollection) {
    return TemporalGradoopConfig.fromGradoopFlinkConfig(baseGraphCollection.getConfig())

   * Convenience API function to create a {@link TemporalGraphCollection} from an existing
   * {@link BaseGraphCollection} with valid times depending on the three given
   * {@link TimeIntervalExtractor} functions
   * @param baseGraphCollection the existing BaseGraphCollection instance
   * @param graphTimeExtractor  the time extractor function for the Graph Heads in the
   *                            graph collection instance
   * @param vertexTimeExtractor the time extractor function for the vertices in the graph
   *                            collection instance
   * @param edgeTimeExtractor   the time extractor function for the edges in the graph
   *                            collection instance
   * @param <G> The graph head type.
   * @param <V> The vertex type.
   * @param <E> The edge type.
   * @param <LG> The type of the graph.
   * @param <GC> The type of the graph collection.
   * @return a temporal graph collection with assigned valid time values
   * @see TemporalGraphCollectionFactory#fromNonTemporalGraphCollection(BaseGraphCollection)
  public static <
    G extends GraphHead,
    V extends Vertex,
    E extends Edge,
    LG extends BaseGraph<G, V, E, LG, GC>,
    GC extends BaseGraphCollection<G, V, E, LG, GC>>
  TemporalGraphCollection fromGraphCollection(GC baseGraphCollection,
      TimeIntervalExtractor<G> graphTimeExtractor,
      TimeIntervalExtractor<V> vertexTimeExtractor,
      TimeIntervalExtractor<E> edgeTimeExtractor) {
    TemporalGradoopConfig temporalGradoopConfig = TemporalGradoopConfig.
    return temporalGradoopConfig.getTemporalGraphCollectionFactory().fromNonTemporalDataSets(
      baseGraphCollection.getGraphHeads(), graphTimeExtractor, baseGraphCollection.getVertices(),
      vertexTimeExtractor, baseGraphCollection.getEdges(), edgeTimeExtractor);

   * Prints the GDL formatted graph collection to the standard output.
   * @throws Exception forwarded from dataset print
  public void print() throws Exception {