- /*
- * Copyright © 2014 - 2021 Leipzig University (Database Research Group)
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.gradoop.temporal.model.api;
- import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.epgm.BaseGraphOperators;
- import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.functions.AggregateFunction;
- import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.functions.KeyFunction;
- import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.epgm.LogicalGraph;
- import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.keyedgrouping.KeyedGrouping;
- import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.matching.common.MatchStrategy;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.api.functions.TemporalPredicate;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.TemporalGraph;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.TemporalGraphCollection;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.functions.predicates.AsOf;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.functions.predicates.Between;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.functions.predicates.ContainedIn;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.functions.predicates.CreatedIn;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.functions.predicates.DeletedIn;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.functions.predicates.FromTo;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.functions.predicates.ValidDuring;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.aggregation.functions.MaxEdgeTime;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.aggregation.functions.MaxVertexTime;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.aggregation.functions.MinEdgeTime;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.aggregation.functions.MinVertexTime;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.diff.Diff;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.matching.common.query.postprocessing.CNFPostProcessing;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.matching.common.statistics.TemporalGraphStatistics;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.matching.common.statistics.dummy.DummyTemporalGraphStatistics;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.matching.single.cypher.CypherTemporalPatternMatching;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.snapshot.Snapshot;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.operators.verify.VerifyAndUpdateEdgeValidity;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.pojo.TemporalEdge;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.pojo.TemporalGraphHead;
- import org.gradoop.temporal.model.impl.pojo.TemporalVertex;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
- /**
- * Defines the operators that are available on a {@link TemporalGraph}.
- */
- public interface TemporalGraphOperators extends BaseGraphOperators<TemporalGraphHead, TemporalVertex,
- TemporalEdge, TemporalGraph, TemporalGraphCollection> {
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Unary Operators
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Extracts a snapshot of this temporal graph using a given temporal predicate. The predicate is applied
- * on the valid time dimension by default. To use the transaction time dimension, use
- * {@link TemporalGraphOperators#snapshot(TemporalPredicate, TimeDimension)} instead.
- * This operator will calculate the subgraph induced by the predicate.
- *
- * @param predicate the temporal predicate to apply on the valid times
- * @return the snapshot as a temporal graph
- */
- default TemporalGraph snapshot(TemporalPredicate predicate) {
- return snapshot(predicate, TimeDimension.VALID_TIME);
- }
- /**
- * Extracts a snapshot of this temporal graph using a given temporal predicate. The predicate is applied
- * on the given time dimension.
- * This operator will calculate the subgraph induced by the predicate.
- *
- * @param predicate the temporal predicate to apply
- * @param dimension the dimension that is used
- * @return the snapshot as a temporal graph
- */
- default TemporalGraph snapshot(TemporalPredicate predicate, TimeDimension dimension) {
- return callForGraph(new Snapshot(predicate, dimension));
- }
- /**
- * Extracts a snapshot of this temporal graph using the temporal predicate {@code AS OF timestamp}
- * where {@code timestamp} is a timestamp in milliseconds.
- *
- * @param timestamp the timestamp in milliseconds to query
- * @return the snapshot as a temporal graph
- * @see Snapshot
- * @see AsOf
- */
- default TemporalGraph asOf(long timestamp) {
- return snapshot(new AsOf(timestamp));
- }
- /**
- * Extracts a snapshot of this temporal graph using the temporal predicate
- * {@code FROM fromTimestamp TO toTimestamp} where both values are timestamps in milliseconds.
- *
- * @param fromTimestamp the from timestamp in milliseconds to query
- * @param toTimestamp the to timestamp in milliseconds to query
- * @return the snapshot as a temporal graph
- * @see Snapshot
- * @see FromTo
- */
- default TemporalGraph fromTo(long fromTimestamp, long toTimestamp) {
- return snapshot(new FromTo(fromTimestamp, toTimestamp));
- }
- /**
- * Extracts a snapshot of this temporal graph using the temporal predicate
- * {@code BETWEEN fromTimestamp AND toTimestamp} where both values are timestamps in milliseconds.
- *
- * @param fromTimestamp the from timestamp in milliseconds to query
- * @param toTimestamp the to timestamp in milliseconds to query
- * @return the snapshot as a temporal graph
- * @see Snapshot
- * @see Between
- */
- default TemporalGraph between(long fromTimestamp, long toTimestamp) {
- return snapshot(new Between(fromTimestamp, toTimestamp));
- }
- /**
- * Extracts a snapshot of this temporal graph using the temporal predicate
- * {@code CONTAINED IN (fromTimestamp, toTimestamp)} where both values are timestamps in milliseconds.
- *
- * @param fromTimestamp the from timestamp in milliseconds to query
- * @param toTimestamp the to timestamp in milliseconds to query
- * @return the snapshot as a temporal graph
- * @see Snapshot
- * @see ContainedIn
- */
- default TemporalGraph containedIn(long fromTimestamp, long toTimestamp) {
- return snapshot(new ContainedIn(fromTimestamp, toTimestamp));
- }
- /**
- * Extracts a snapshot of this temporal graph using the temporal predicate
- * {@code VALID DURING (fromTimestamp, toTimestamp)} where both values are timestamps in milliseconds.
- *
- * @param fromTimestamp the from timestamp in milliseconds to query
- * @param toTimestamp the to timestamp in milliseconds to query
- * @return the snapshot as a temporal graph
- * @see Snapshot
- * @see ValidDuring
- */
- default TemporalGraph validDuring(long fromTimestamp, long toTimestamp) {
- return snapshot(new ValidDuring(fromTimestamp, toTimestamp));
- }
- /**
- * Extracts a snapshot of this temporal graph using the temporal predicate
- * {@code CREATED IN (fromTimestamp, toTimestamp)} where both values are timestamps in milliseconds.
- *
- * @param fromTimestamp the from timestamp in milliseconds to query
- * @param toTimestamp the to timestamp in milliseconds to query
- * @return the snapshot as a temporal graph
- * @see Snapshot
- * @see CreatedIn
- */
- default TemporalGraph createdIn(long fromTimestamp, long toTimestamp) {
- return snapshot(new CreatedIn(fromTimestamp, toTimestamp));
- }
- /**
- * Extracts a snapshot of this temporal graph using the temporal predicate
- * {@code DELETED IN (fromTimestamp, toTimestamp)} where both values are timestamps in milliseconds.
- *
- * @param fromTimestamp the from timestamp in milliseconds to query
- * @param toTimestamp the to timestamp in milliseconds to query
- * @return the snapshot as a temporal graph
- * @see Snapshot
- * @see DeletedIn
- */
- default TemporalGraph deletedIn(long fromTimestamp, long toTimestamp) {
- return snapshot(new DeletedIn(fromTimestamp, toTimestamp));
- }
- /**
- * Compares two snapshots of this graph. Given two temporal predicates, this operation
- * will check if a graph element (vertex or edge) was added, removed or persists in the second
- * snapshot compared to the first snapshot. The predicates are applied on the valid times. To use
- * transaction time dimension, use
- * {@link TemporalGraphOperators#diff(TemporalPredicate, TemporalPredicate, TimeDimension)}.
- * <p>
- * This operation returns the union of both snapshots with the following changes:
- * A property with key {@value Diff#PROPERTY_KEY}
- * will be set on each graph element. Its value will be set to
- * <ul>
- * <li>{@code 0}, if the element is present in both snapshots.</li>
- * <li>{@code 1}, if the element is present in the second, but not the first snapshot
- * (i.e. it was added since the first snapshot).</li>
- * <li>{@code -1}, if the element is present in the first, but not the second snapshot
- * (i.e. it was removed since the first snapshot).</li>
- * </ul>
- * Graph elements present in neither snapshot will be discarded.
- * The resulting graph will not be verified, i.e. dangling edges could occur. Use the
- * {@code verify()} operator to validate the graph. The graph head is preserved.
- *
- * @param firstSnapshot The predicate used to determine the first snapshot.
- * @param secondSnapshot The predicate used to determine the second snapshot.
- * @return A temporal graph containing the union of vertex and edge sets of both snapshots,
- * defined by the given two predicate functions. A property with key
- * {@link Diff#PROPERTY_KEY} is set on each graph element with a numerical value (-1, 0, 1) defined above.
- */
- default TemporalGraph diff(TemporalPredicate firstSnapshot, TemporalPredicate secondSnapshot) {
- return diff(firstSnapshot, secondSnapshot, TimeDimension.VALID_TIME);
- }
- /**
- * Compares two snapshots of this graph. Given two temporal predicates, this operation will check if a
- * graph element (vertex or edge) was added, removed or persists in the second snapshot compared to the
- * first snapshot. The predicates are applied on the specified time dimension.
- * <p>
- * This operation returns the union of both snapshots with the following changes:
- * A property with key {@value Diff#PROPERTY_KEY} will be set on each graph element.
- * Its value will be set to
- * <ul>
- * <li>{@code 0}, if the element is present in both snapshots.</li>
- * <li>{@code 1}, if the element is present in the second, but not the first snapshot
- * (i.e. it was added since the first snapshot).</li>
- * <li>{@code -1}, if the element is present in the first, but not the second snapshot
- * (i.e. it was removed since the first snapshot).</li>
- * </ul>
- * Graph elements present in neither snapshot will be discarded.
- * The resulting graph will not be verified, i.e. dangling edges could occur. Use the
- * {@code verify()} operator to validate the graph. The graph head is preserved.
- *
- * @param firstSnapshot The predicate used to determine the first snapshot.
- * @param secondSnapshot The predicate used to determine the second snapshot.
- * @param dimension The time dimension that will be considered by the predicates.
- * @return A temporal graph containing the union of vertex and edge sets of both snapshots, defined by the
- * given two predicate functions. A property with key {@link Diff#PROPERTY_KEY} is set on each graph
- * element with a numerical value (-1, 0, 1) defined above.
- */
- default TemporalGraph diff(TemporalPredicate firstSnapshot, TemporalPredicate secondSnapshot,
- TimeDimension dimension) {
- return callForGraph(new Diff(firstSnapshot, secondSnapshot, dimension));
- }
- /**
- * Evaluates the given query using the Temporal-GDL query engine. The engine uses default morphism
- * strategies, which is vertex homomorphism and edge isomorphism. The vertex and edge data of the graph
- * elements is attached to the resulting vertices.
- * <p>
- * Note, that this method used no statistics about the data graph which may result in bad runtime
- * performance. Use {@link #temporalQuery(String, TemporalGraphStatistics)} to provide statistics for the
- * query planner.
- *
- * @param temporalGdlQuery A Temporal-GDL query as {@link String}
- * @return graph collection containing matching subgraphs
- */
- default TemporalGraphCollection temporalQuery(String temporalGdlQuery) {
- return temporalQuery(temporalGdlQuery, new DummyTemporalGraphStatistics());
- }
- /**
- * Evaluates the given query using the Temporal-GDL query engine. The engine uses default morphism
- * strategies, which is vertex homomorphism and edge isomorphism. The vertex and edge data of the data graph
- * elements is attached to the resulting vertices.
- * <p>
- * Note, that this method used no statistics about the data graph which may result in bad runtime
- * performance. Use {@link #temporalQuery(String, String, TemporalGraphStatistics)} to provide statistics
- * for the query planner.
- * <p>
- * In addition, the operator can be supplied with a construction pattern allowing the creation of new graph
- * elements based on variable bindings of the match pattern. Consider the following example:
- * <br>
- * {@code graph.query(
- * "MATCH (a:Author)-[:WROTE]->(:Paper)<-[:WROTE]-(b:Author) WHERE a <> b",
- * "(a)-[:CO_AUTHOR]->(b)")}
- * <p>
- * The query pattern is looking for pairs of authors that worked on the same paper.
- * The construction pattern defines a new edge of type CO_AUTHOR between the two entities.
- *
- * @param temporalGdlQuery A Temporal-GDL query as {@link String}
- * @param constructionPattern Construction pattern in Temporal-GDL format
- * @return graph collection containing the output of the construct pattern
- */
- default TemporalGraphCollection temporalQuery(String temporalGdlQuery, String constructionPattern) {
- return temporalQuery(temporalGdlQuery, constructionPattern, new DummyTemporalGraphStatistics());
- }
- /**
- * Evaluates the given query using the Temporal-GDL query engine. The engine uses default morphism
- * strategies, which is vertex homomorphism and edge isomorphism. The vertex and edge data of the data graph
- * elements is attached to the resulting vertices.
- *
- * @param temporalGdlQuery A Temporal-GDL query as {@link String}
- * @param graphStatistics statistics about the data graph
- * @return graph collection containing matching subgraphs
- */
- default TemporalGraphCollection temporalQuery(String temporalGdlQuery,
- TemporalGraphStatistics graphStatistics) {
- return temporalQuery(temporalGdlQuery, null, graphStatistics);
- }
- /**
- * Evaluates the given query using the Temporal-GDL query engine. The engine uses default morphism
- * strategies, which is vertex homomorphism and edge isomorphism. The vertex and edge data of the data graph
- * elements is attached to the resulting vertices.
- * <p>
- * In addition, the operator can be supplied with a construction pattern allowing the creation of new graph
- * elements based on variable bindings of the match pattern. Consider the following example:
- * <br>
- * {@code graph.query(
- * "MATCH (a:Author)-[:WROTE]->(:Paper)<-[:WROTE]-(b:Author) WHERE a <> b",
- * "(a)-[:CO_AUTHOR]->(b)")}
- * <p>
- * The query pattern is looking for pairs of authors that worked on the same paper.
- * The construction pattern defines a new edge of type CO_AUTHOR between the two entities.
- *
- * @param temporalGdlQuery A Temporal-GDL query as {@link String}
- * @param constructionPattern Construction pattern in Temporal-GDL format
- * @param graphStatistics Statistics about the data graph
- * @return graph collection containing the output of the construct pattern
- */
- default TemporalGraphCollection temporalQuery(String temporalGdlQuery, String constructionPattern,
- TemporalGraphStatistics graphStatistics) {
- return temporalQuery(temporalGdlQuery, constructionPattern, true, MatchStrategy.HOMOMORPHISM,
- MatchStrategy.ISOMORPHISM, graphStatistics);
- }
- /**
- * Evaluates the given query using the Temporal-GDL query engine.
- *
- * @param temporalGdlQuery A Temporal-GDL query as {@link String}
- * @param constructionPattern Construction pattern in Temporal-GDL format
- * @param attachData attach original vertex and edge data to the result
- * @param vertexStrategy morphism setting for vertex mapping
- * @param edgeStrategy morphism setting for edge mapping
- * @param stats statistics about the data graph
- * @return graph collection containing the output of the construct pattern or a graph collection containing
- * matching subgraphs if the construction pattern is {@code null}.
- */
- default TemporalGraphCollection temporalQuery(String temporalGdlQuery, String constructionPattern,
- boolean attachData, MatchStrategy vertexStrategy, MatchStrategy edgeStrategy,
- TemporalGraphStatistics stats) {
- return callForCollection(
- new CypherTemporalPatternMatching(temporalGdlQuery, constructionPattern, attachData, vertexStrategy,
- edgeStrategy, stats, new CNFPostProcessing()));
- }
- /**
- * Grouping operator that aggregates valid times per group and sets it as new valid time.
- * The grouped validFrom value will be computed by min over all validFrom values.
- * The grouped validTo value will be computed by max over all validTo values.
- *
- * @param vertexGroupingKeys property keys to group vertices
- * @return summary graph
- * @see KeyedGrouping
- */
- default TemporalGraph temporalGroupBy(List<KeyFunction<TemporalVertex, ?>> vertexGroupingKeys) {
- return temporalGroupBy(vertexGroupingKeys, null);
- }
- /**
- * Grouping operator that aggregates valid times per group and sets it as new valid time.
- * The grouped validFrom value will be computed by min over all validFrom values.
- * The grouped validTo value will be computed by max over all validTo values.
- *
- * @param vertexGroupingKeys property keys to group vertices
- * @param edgeGroupingKeys property keys to group edges
- * @return summary graph
- * @see KeyedGrouping
- */
- default TemporalGraph temporalGroupBy(List<KeyFunction<TemporalVertex, ?>> vertexGroupingKeys,
- List<KeyFunction<TemporalEdge, ?>> edgeGroupingKeys) {
- return temporalGroupBy(vertexGroupingKeys, new ArrayList<>(), edgeGroupingKeys, new ArrayList<>());
- }
- /**
- * Grouping operator that aggregates valid times per group and sets it as new valid time.
- * The grouped validFrom value will be computed by min over all validFrom values.
- * The grouped validTo value will be computed by max over all validTo values.
- *
- * @param vertexGroupingKeys property keys to group vertices
- * @param vertexAggregateFunctions aggregate functions to apply on super vertices
- * @param edgeGroupingKeys property keys to group edges
- * @param edgeAggregateFunctions aggregate functions to apply on super edges
- * @return summary graph
- * @see KeyedGrouping
- */
- default TemporalGraph temporalGroupBy(List<KeyFunction<TemporalVertex, ?>> vertexGroupingKeys,
- List<AggregateFunction> vertexAggregateFunctions, List<KeyFunction<TemporalEdge, ?>> edgeGroupingKeys,
- List<AggregateFunction> edgeAggregateFunctions) {
- // Add min/max valid time aggregations that will result in the new valid times
- List<AggregateFunction> tempVertexAgg = new ArrayList<>(vertexAggregateFunctions);
- tempVertexAgg.add(new MinVertexTime(TimeDimension.VALID_TIME, TimeDimension.Field.FROM)
- .setAsValidTime(TimeDimension.Field.FROM));
- tempVertexAgg.add(new MaxVertexTime(TimeDimension.VALID_TIME, TimeDimension.Field.TO)
- .setAsValidTime(TimeDimension.Field.TO));
- List<AggregateFunction> tempEdgeAgg = new ArrayList<>(edgeAggregateFunctions);
- tempEdgeAgg.add(new MinEdgeTime(TimeDimension.VALID_TIME, TimeDimension.Field.FROM)
- .setAsValidTime(TimeDimension.Field.FROM));
- tempEdgeAgg.add(new MaxEdgeTime(TimeDimension.VALID_TIME, TimeDimension.Field.TO)
- .setAsValidTime(TimeDimension.Field.TO));
- return callForGraph(new KeyedGrouping<>(vertexGroupingKeys, tempVertexAgg, edgeGroupingKeys,
- tempEdgeAgg));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Utilities
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Converts the {@link TemporalGraph} to a {@link LogicalGraph} instance by discarding all
- * temporal information from the graph elements. All Ids (graphs, vertices, edges) are kept
- * during the transformation.
- *
- * @return the logical graph instance
- */
- LogicalGraph toLogicalGraph();
- /**
- * Updates edges of this graph to set their validity such that an edge is only valid if both of
- * its adjacent vertices are valid at that time. Edges that can never be valid since the
- * validity of both vertices does not overlap, are discarded.<p>
- * Note that this will also remove dangling edges, in the same way {@link #verify()} would.
- *
- * @return This graph with invalid or dangling edges removed.
- */
- default TemporalGraph updateEdgeValidity() {
- return callForGraph(new VerifyAndUpdateEdgeValidity());
- }
- }