 * Copyright © 2014 - 2021 Leipzig University (Database Research Group)
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.grouping;

import org.gradoop.common.model.api.entities.Edge;
import org.gradoop.common.model.api.entities.EdgeFactory;
import org.gradoop.common.model.api.entities.GraphHead;
import org.gradoop.common.model.api.entities.Vertex;
import org.gradoop.common.util.GradoopConstants;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.epgm.BaseGraph;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.epgm.BaseGraphCollection;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.functions.AggregateFunction;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.api.operators.UnaryBaseGraphToBaseGraphOperator;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.epgm.LogicalGraph;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.functions.filters.Not;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.functions.utils.LeftWhenRightIsNull;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.grouping.functions.BuildEdgeGroupItem;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.grouping.functions.CombineEdgeGroupItems;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.grouping.functions.LabelGroupFilter;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.grouping.functions.ReduceEdgeGroupItems;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.grouping.functions.SetVertexAsSuperVertex;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.grouping.functions.UpdateEdgeGroupItem;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.grouping.tuples.EdgeGroupItem;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.grouping.tuples.LabelGroup;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.grouping.tuples.VertexGroupItem;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.grouping.tuples.VertexWithSuperVertex;
import org.gradoop.flink.model.impl.operators.keyedgrouping.KeyedGroupingUtils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;

 * The grouping operator determines a structural grouping of vertices and edges
 * to condense a graph and thus help to uncover insights about patterns and
 * statistics hidden in the graph.
 * <p>
 * The graph grouping operator represents every vertex group by a single super
 * vertex in the resulting graph; (super) edges between vertices in the
 * resulting graph represent a group of edges between the vertex group members
 * of the original graph. Grouping is defined by specifying grouping keys for
 * vertices and edges, respectively, similarly as for GROUP BY in SQL.
 * <p>
 * Consider the following example:
 * <p>
 * Input graph:
 * <p>
 * Vertices:<br>
 * (0, "Person", {city: L})<br>
 * (1, "Person", {city: L})<br>
 * (2, "Person", {city: D})<br>
 * (3, "Person", {city: D})<br>
 * <p>
 * Edges:{(0,1), (1,0), (1,2), (2,1), (2,3), (3,2)}
 * <p>
 * Output graph (grouped on vertex property "city"):
 * <p>
 * Vertices:<br>
 * (0, "Person", {city: L, count: 2})
 * (2, "Person", {city: D, count: 2})
 * <p>
 * Edges:<br>
 * ((0, 0), {count: 2}) // 2 intra-edges in L<br>
 * ((2, 2), {count: 2}) // 2 intra-edges in L<br>
 * ((0, 2), {count: 1}) // 1 inter-edge from L to D<br>
 * ((2, 0), {count: 1}) // 1 inter-edge from D to L<br>
 * <p>
 * In addition to vertex properties, grouping is also possible on edge
 * properties, vertex- and edge labels as well as combinations of those.
 * @param <G>  The graph head type.
 * @param <V>  The vertex type.
 * @param <E>  The edge type.
 * @param <LG> The type of the graph.
 * @param <GC> The type of the graph collection.
public abstract class Grouping<
  G extends GraphHead,
  V extends Vertex,
  E extends Edge,
  LG extends BaseGraph<G, V, E, LG, GC>,
  GC extends BaseGraphCollection<G, V, E, LG, GC>>
  implements UnaryBaseGraphToBaseGraphOperator<LG> {
   * Used as property key to declare a label based grouping.
   * <p>
   * See {@link LogicalGraph#groupBy(List, List, List, List, GroupingStrategy)}
  public static final String LABEL_SYMBOL = ":label";
   * Used to verify if a grouping key is used for all vertices.
  public static final String DEFAULT_VERTEX_LABEL_GROUP = ":defaultVertexLabelGroup";
   * Used to verify if a grouping key is used for all edges.
  public static final String DEFAULT_EDGE_LABEL_GROUP = ":defaultEdgeLabelGroup";
   * True if vertices shall be grouped using their label.
  private final boolean useVertexLabels;
   * True if edges shall be grouped using their label.
  private final boolean useEdgeLabels;
   * Stores grouping properties and aggregators for vertex labels.
  private final List<LabelGroup> vertexLabelGroups;

   * Stores grouping properties and aggregators for edge labels.
  private final List<LabelGroup> edgeLabelGroups;

   * A flag that indicates whether vertices that are not member of any labelGroup are retained
   * as they are to supervertices, including their edges.
   * If set to false, said vertices will be collapsed into a single group/ supervertex.
  private final boolean retainVerticesWithoutGroup;

   * Creates grouping operator instance.
   * @param useVertexLabels             group on vertex label true/false
   * @param useEdgeLabels               group on edge label true/false
   * @param vertexLabelGroups           stores grouping properties for vertex labels
   * @param edgeLabelGroups             stores grouping properties for edge labels
   * @param retainVerticesWithoutGroup  a flag to retain vertices that are not affected by the
   *                                    grouping
  Grouping(boolean useVertexLabels, boolean useEdgeLabels, List<LabelGroup> vertexLabelGroups,
    List<LabelGroup> edgeLabelGroups, boolean retainVerticesWithoutGroup) {
    this.useVertexLabels = useVertexLabels;
    this.useEdgeLabels = useEdgeLabels;
    this.vertexLabelGroups = vertexLabelGroups;
    this.edgeLabelGroups = edgeLabelGroups;
    this.retainVerticesWithoutGroup = retainVerticesWithoutGroup;

  public LG execute(LG graph) {
    LG result;

    if (!useVertexProperties() &&
      !useEdgeProperties() &&
      !useVertexLabels() &&
      !useEdgeLabels()) {
      result = graph;
    } else {
      result = groupInternal(graph);
    return result;

   * Returns true if vertex properties shall be used for grouping.
   * @return true iff vertex properties shall be used for grouping
  protected boolean useVertexProperties() {
    return !vertexLabelGroups.isEmpty();

   * True, iff vertex labels shall be used for grouping.
   * @return true, iff vertex labels shall be used for grouping
  protected boolean useVertexLabels() {
    return useVertexLabels;

   * Returns true if edge properties shall be used for grouping.
   * @return true, iff edge properties shall be used for grouping
  protected boolean useEdgeProperties() {
    return !edgeLabelGroups.isEmpty();

   * True, if edge labels shall be used for grouping.
   * @return true, iff edge labels shall be used for grouping
  protected boolean useEdgeLabels() {
    return useEdgeLabels;

   * True, iff vertices without labels will be converted to individual groups/ supervertices.
   * False, iff vertices without labels will be collapsed into a single group/ supervertice.
   * @return true, iff vertices will be converted
  protected boolean isRetainingVerticesWithoutGroup() {
    return retainVerticesWithoutGroup;

   * Returns tuple which contains the properties used for a specific vertex label.
   * @return vertex label groups
  public List<LabelGroup> getVertexLabelGroups() {
    return vertexLabelGroups;

   * Returns tuple which contains the properties used for a specific edge label.
   * @return edge label groups
  public List<LabelGroup> getEdgeLabelGroups() {
    return edgeLabelGroups;

   * Group vertices by either vertex label, vertex property or both.
   * @param groupVertices dataset containing vertex representation for grouping
   * @return unsorted vertex grouping
  protected UnsortedGrouping<VertexGroupItem> groupVertices(
    DataSet<VertexGroupItem> groupVertices) {
    UnsortedGrouping<VertexGroupItem> vertexGrouping;
    if (useVertexLabels() && useVertexProperties()) {
      vertexGrouping = groupVertices.groupBy(2, 3);
    } else if (useVertexLabels()) {
      vertexGrouping = groupVertices.groupBy(2);
    } else {
      vertexGrouping = groupVertices.groupBy(3);
    return vertexGrouping;

   * Groups edges based on the algorithm parameters.
   * @param edges input graph edges
   * @return grouped edges
  protected UnsortedGrouping<EdgeGroupItem> groupEdges(DataSet<EdgeGroupItem> edges) {
    UnsortedGrouping<EdgeGroupItem> groupedEdges;
    if (useEdgeProperties() && useEdgeLabels()) {
      groupedEdges = edges.groupBy(0, 1, 2, 3);
    } else if (useEdgeLabels()) {
      groupedEdges = edges.groupBy(0, 1, 2);
    } else if (useEdgeProperties()) {
      groupedEdges = edges.groupBy(0, 1, 3);
    } else {
      groupedEdges = edges.groupBy(0, 1);
    return groupedEdges;

   * Build super edges by joining them with vertices and their super vertex.
   * @param edgeFactory edgeFactory
   * @param edgesToGroup input edgesToGroup
   * @param vertexToRepresentativeMap dataset containing tuples of vertex id and super vertex id
   * @return super edges
  protected DataSet<E> buildSuperEdges(
    EdgeFactory<E> edgeFactory,
    DataSet<E> edgesToGroup,
    DataSet<VertexWithSuperVertex> vertexToRepresentativeMap) {

    DataSet<EdgeGroupItem> edges = edgesToGroup
      // build edge group items
      .flatMap(new BuildEdgeGroupItem<>(useEdgeLabels(), getEdgeLabelGroups()))
      // join edges with vertex-group-map on source-id == vertex-id
      .with(new UpdateEdgeGroupItem(0))
      // join result with vertex-group-map on target-id == vertex-id
      .with(new UpdateEdgeGroupItem(1))

    // group + combine
    DataSet<EdgeGroupItem> combinedEdges = groupEdges(edges)
      .combineGroup(new CombineEdgeGroupItems(useEdgeLabels()));

    // group + reduce + build final edges
    return groupEdges(combinedEdges)
      .reduceGroup(new ReduceEdgeGroupItems<>(

   * Overridden by concrete implementations.
   * @param graph input graphe
   * @return grouped output graph
  protected abstract LG groupInternal(LG graph);

   * Returns a verified subgraph that only includes vertices that are not member of any labelGroups.
   * @param graph to filter
   * @return subgraph
  LG getSubgraphOfRetainedVertices(LG graph) {
    return graph.vertexInducedSubgraph(
      new Not<>(new LabelGroupFilter<>(getVertexLabelGroups(), useVertexLabels())));

   * Removes all edges of {@code edgesToSubtract} from {@code edges}.
   * @param edges           set of edges
   * @param edgesToSubtract set of edges to be removed
   * @return subtracted set of edges
  DataSet<E> subtractEdges(DataSet<E> edges, DataSet<E> edgesToSubtract) {
    return edges
      .where("sourceId", "targetId")
      .equalTo("sourceId", "targetId")
      .with(new LeftWhenRightIsNull<>());

   * Is used when {@link Grouping#retainVerticesWithoutGroup} is set.
   * To add support for grouped edges between retained vertices and supervertices,
   * retained vertices are singleton groups and are their group representatives themselves.
   * @param vertexToRepresentativeMap vertex representative map to add to
   * @param retainedVertices retained vertices
   * @return updated vertexToRepresentativeMap
  DataSet<VertexWithSuperVertex> updateVertexRepresentatives(
    DataSet<VertexWithSuperVertex> vertexToRepresentativeMap, DataSet<V> retainedVertices) {
    return vertexToRepresentativeMap
      .union( SetVertexAsSuperVertex<>()));

   * Used for building a grouping operator instance.
  public static final class GroupingBuilder {

     * Grouping strategy
    private GroupingStrategy strategy;
     * True, if vertex labels shall be considered.
    private boolean useVertexLabel;

     * True, iff edge labels shall be considered.
    private boolean useEdgeLabel;
     * Stores grouping keys for a specific vertex label.
    private List<LabelGroup> vertexLabelGroups;

     * Stores grouping keys for a specific edge label.
    private List<LabelGroup> edgeLabelGroups;

     * Default vertex label group.
    private LabelGroup defaultVertexLabelGroup;

     * Default edge label group.
    private LabelGroup defaultEdgeLabelGroup;

     * List of all global vertex aggregate functions.
    private List<AggregateFunction> globalVertexAggregateFunctions;

     * List of all global edge aggregate functions.
    private List<AggregateFunction> globalEdgeAggregateFunctions;

     * A flag that indicates whether vertices that are not member of any labelGroup are retained
     * as they are to supervertices, including their edges.
     * If set to false, said vertices will be collapsed into a single group/ supervertex.
    private boolean retainVerticesWithoutGroup;

     * Creates a new grouping builder
    public GroupingBuilder() {
      this.useVertexLabel               = false;
      this.useEdgeLabel                 = false;
      this.vertexLabelGroups            = new ArrayList<>();
      this.edgeLabelGroups              = new ArrayList<>();
      this.globalVertexAggregateFunctions = new ArrayList<>();
      this.globalEdgeAggregateFunctions = new ArrayList<>();
      this.defaultVertexLabelGroup      = new LabelGroup(
      this.defaultEdgeLabelGroup        = new LabelGroup(
        Grouping.DEFAULT_EDGE_LABEL_GROUP, GradoopConstants.DEFAULT_EDGE_LABEL);


     * Set the grouping strategy. See {@link GroupingStrategy}.
     * @param strategy grouping strategy
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder setStrategy(GroupingStrategy strategy) {
      this.strategy = strategy;
      return this;

     * Set {@link Grouping#retainVerticesWithoutGroup} to true, vertices that are not member of any
     * labelGroup are retained as they are to supervertices, including their edges.
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder retainVerticesWithoutGroup() {
      this.retainVerticesWithoutGroup = true;
      return this;

     * Adds a property key to the vertex grouping keys for vertices which do not have a specific
     * label group.
     * @param key property key
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addVertexGroupingKey(String key) {
      if (key.equals(Grouping.LABEL_SYMBOL)) {
      } else {
      return this;

     * Adds a list of property keys to the vertex grouping keys for vertices which do not have a
     * specific label group.
     * @param keys property keys
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addVertexGroupingKeys(List<String> keys) {
      for (String key : keys) {
      return this;

     * Adds a property key to the edge grouping keys for edges which do not have a specific
     * label group.
     * @param key property key
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addEdgeGroupingKey(String key) {
      if (key.equals(Grouping.LABEL_SYMBOL)) {
      } else {
      return this;

     * Adds a list of property keys to the edge grouping keys for edges  which do not have a
     * specific label group.
     * @param keys property keys
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addEdgeGroupingKeys(List<String> keys) {
      for (String key : keys) {
      return this;

     * Adds a vertex label group which defines the grouping keys for a specific label.
     * Note that a label may be used multiple times.
     * @param label vertex label
     * @param groupingKeys keys used for grouping
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addVertexLabelGroup(
      String label,
      List<String> groupingKeys) {
      return addVertexLabelGroup(label, label, groupingKeys);

     * Adds a vertex label group which defines the grouping keys and the aggregate functions for a
     * specific label. Note that a label may be used multiple times.
     * @param label vertex label
     * @param groupingKeys keys used for grouping
     * @param aggregateFunctions vertex aggregate functions
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addVertexLabelGroup(
      String label,
      List<String> groupingKeys,
      List<AggregateFunction> aggregateFunctions) {
      return addVertexLabelGroup(label, label, groupingKeys, aggregateFunctions);

     * Adds a vertex label group which defines the grouping keys for a specific label.
     * Note that a label may be used multiple times.
     * @param label vertex label
     * @param superVertexLabel label of the group and therefore of the new super vertex
     * @param groupingKeys keys used for grouping
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addVertexLabelGroup(
      String label,
      String superVertexLabel,
      List<String> groupingKeys) {
      return addVertexLabelGroup(label, superVertexLabel, groupingKeys, new ArrayList<>());

     * Adds a vertex label group which defines the grouping keys and the aggregate functions for a
     * specific label. Note that a label may be used multiple times.
     * @param label vertex label
     * @param superVertexLabel label of the group and therefore of the new super vertex
     * @param groupingKeys keys used for grouping
     * @param aggregateFunctions vertex aggregate functions
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addVertexLabelGroup(
      String label,
      String superVertexLabel,
      List<String> groupingKeys,
      List<AggregateFunction> aggregateFunctions) {
      vertexLabelGroups.add(new LabelGroup(label, superVertexLabel, groupingKeys,
      return this;

     * Adds a vertex label group which defines the grouping keys for a specific label.
     * Note that a label may be used multiple times.
     * @param label edge label
     * @param groupingKeys keys used for grouping
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addEdgeLabelGroup(
      String label,
      List<String> groupingKeys) {
      return addEdgeLabelGroup(label, label, groupingKeys);

     * Adds a vertex label group which defines the grouping keys and the aggregate functions for a
     * specific label. Note that a label may be used multiple times.
     * @param label edge label
     * @param groupingKeys keys used for grouping
     * @param aggregateFunctions edge aggregate functions
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addEdgeLabelGroup(
      String label,
      List<String> groupingKeys,
      List<AggregateFunction> aggregateFunctions) {
      return addEdgeLabelGroup(label, label, groupingKeys, aggregateFunctions);

     * Adds a vertex label group which defines the grouping keys for a specific label.
     * Note that a label may be used multiple times.
     * @param label edge label
     * @param superEdgeLabel label of the group and therefore of the new super edge
     * @param groupingKeys keys used for grouping
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addEdgeLabelGroup(
      String label,
      String superEdgeLabel,
      List<String> groupingKeys) {
      return addEdgeLabelGroup(label, superEdgeLabel, groupingKeys, new ArrayList<>());

     * Adds a vertex label group which defines the grouping keys and the aggregate functions for a
     * specific label. Note that a label may be used multiple times.
     * @param label edge label
     * @param superEdgeLabel label of the group and therefore of the new super edge
     * @param groupingKeys keys used for grouping
     * @param aggregateFunctions edge aggregate functions
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addEdgeLabelGroup(
      String label,
      String superEdgeLabel,
      List<String> groupingKeys,
      List<AggregateFunction> aggregateFunctions) {
      edgeLabelGroups.add(new LabelGroup(label, superEdgeLabel, groupingKeys, aggregateFunctions));
      return this;

     * Define, if the vertex label shall be used for grouping vertices.
     * @param useVertexLabel true, iff vertex label shall be used for grouping
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder useVertexLabel(boolean useVertexLabel) {
      this.useVertexLabel = useVertexLabel;
      return this;

     * Define, if the edge label shall be used for grouping edges.
     * @param useEdgeLabel true, iff edge label shall be used for grouping
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder useEdgeLabel(boolean useEdgeLabel) {
      this.useEdgeLabel = useEdgeLabel;
      return this;

     * Add an aggregate function which is applied on all vertices represented by a single super
     * vertex which do not have a specific label group.
     * @param aggregateFunction vertex aggregate function
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addVertexAggregateFunction(AggregateFunction aggregateFunction) {
      Objects.requireNonNull(aggregateFunction, "Aggregate function must not be null");
      return this;

     * Add an aggregate function which is applied on all vertices represented by a single super
     * vertex.
     * @param aggregateFunction vertex aggregate function
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addGlobalVertexAggregateFunction(
      AggregateFunction aggregateFunction) {
      Objects.requireNonNull(aggregateFunction, "Aggregate function must not be null");
      return this;

     * Add an aggregate function which is applied on all edges represented by a single super edge.
     * @param aggregateFunction edge aggregate function
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addGlobalEdgeAggregateFunction(AggregateFunction aggregateFunction) {
      Objects.requireNonNull(aggregateFunction, "Aggregate function must not be null");
      return this;

     * Add an aggregate function which is applied on all edges represented by a single super edge
     * which do not have a specific label group.
     * @param aggregateFunction edge aggregate function
     * @return this builder
    public GroupingBuilder addEdgeAggregateFunction(AggregateFunction aggregateFunction) {
      Objects.requireNonNull(aggregateFunction, "Aggregate function must not be null");
      return this;

     * Creates a new grouping operator instance based on the configured
     * parameters.
     * @param <G> The graph head type.
     * @param <V> The vertex type.
     * @param <E> The edge type.
     * @param <LG> The type of the graph.
     * @param <GC> The type of the graph collection.
     * @return grouping operator instance
    public <
      G extends GraphHead,
      V extends Vertex,
      E extends Edge,
      LG extends BaseGraph<G, V, E, LG, GC>,
      GC extends BaseGraphCollection<G, V, E, LG, GC>> UnaryBaseGraphToBaseGraphOperator<LG> build() {

      if (strategy == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("A GroupingStrategy has to be set.");

      // adding the global aggregators to the associated label groups
      if (strategy != GroupingStrategy.GROUP_WITH_KEYFUNCTIONS) {
        // global aggregate functions can be handled separately for KeyedGrouping
        for (LabelGroup vertexLabelGroup : vertexLabelGroups) {
          for (AggregateFunction aggregateFunction : globalVertexAggregateFunctions) {

        for (LabelGroup edgeLabelGroup : edgeLabelGroups) {
          for (AggregateFunction aggregateFunction : globalEdgeAggregateFunctions) {

      UnaryBaseGraphToBaseGraphOperator<LG> groupingOperator;

      switch (strategy) {
      case GROUP_REDUCE:
        groupingOperator = new GroupingGroupReduce<>(
          useVertexLabel, useEdgeLabel, vertexLabelGroups, edgeLabelGroups,
      case GROUP_COMBINE:
        groupingOperator = new GroupingGroupCombine<>(
          useVertexLabel, useEdgeLabel, vertexLabelGroups, edgeLabelGroups,
        if (retainVerticesWithoutGroup) {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Retaining vertices without group is not yet supported" +
            " with this strategy.");
        groupingOperator = KeyedGroupingUtils.createInstance(
          useVertexLabel, useEdgeLabel, vertexLabelGroups, edgeLabelGroups,
          globalVertexAggregateFunctions, globalEdgeAggregateFunctions);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported strategy: " + strategy);

      return groupingOperator;
